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National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research
State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
Republican Association of Nanoindustry of Belarus
A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus

hold the
XIII International Scientific Conference


20-22 SEPTEMBER 2023
(Minsk, Belarus)


Dear Colleagues! A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus holds the XIII International Scientific Conference "Fullerenes and Nanostructures in Condensed Matter" from 20 till 22 September, 2023. 

The purpose of the Conference is to exchange new ideas and scientific and technical information, to identify promising ways of creating and developing new equipment and technologies, to consider the questions of learning specialists in nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.

The conference “Fullerenes and nanostructures in condensed matter” is held in a distance format (Zoom or analog ). Participation is a free of charge.

Topics of the conference

1. Fullerenes, carbon nanomaterials, nanostructures, small particles and clusters, chemically modified nanoparticles and their properties. Methods for studying the properties of nanoscale materials and structures.
2. Physicochemical technologies and methods of obtaining fullerenes, nanoparticles, ordered nanostructures and metamaterials. Numerical modeling of properties and processes of synthesis of nanomaterials, metamaterials and composite materials based on them.
3. Physical, physicochemical and biochemical properties of materials containing nanostructures.
4. Application of nanostructures, nanomaterials and metamaterials in technology, microelectronics.
5. Problems of personnel training in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology.

The working languages of the scientific conference are Russian, English.

The basic dates

Application for participation 
June 30, 2023
Submission of texts of articles (until to 8 full A5 pages)
July 31, 2023
Conference open (online translation) 
September 20,  2023
Broadcast of reports and presentations of the conference participants (online translation) 
September 20 – 22, 2023
Closing of the Conference (online translation) 
September 22, 2023

Publication of the conference proceedings

Materials of the reports (until to 8 full A5 pages ) should be submitted until to July 31, 2023 by e-mail:  Proceedings will be published (in format *DOC) after the conference. 

Conference materials requirements. Download *DOC.

International conference organizing committee

  • Penyazkov Oleg Glebovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus – Chairman
  • Filatov Serguei Aleksandrovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus – Coordinator
  • Gaponenko Sergey Vasilievich, BRFFR, Belarus
  • Davaasambuu Jаvyn, NUМ, Mongolia
  • Laskovnev Alekcandr Petrovich, PTI NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Orlovich Valentin Antonovich, BRFFR, Belarus
  • Ramazanov Makhammadali Akhmad ogly, BakuSU, Azerbaijan
  • Rubanik Vasilii Vasilievich, IТА NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Tarasov Boris Petrovich,  FRC PCP MC RAS, Russia
  • Trukhanov Aleksey Valentinovich, RANI, Belarus
  • Fedosyuk Valerii Mikhailovich, SPC for Materials Technology of NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Chizhik Sergey Antonovich, Presidium NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Shpilevsky Eduard Mikhailovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus

Program committee of the conference

  • Astashinsky Valentin Mironovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus – Chairman
  • Filatov Serguei Aleksandrovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus – Co-Chairman
  • Zhornik Viktor Ivanovich, UМI NAS Belarus, Belarus – Scientific Secretary
  • Коmarov Fadei Fadeevich, BSU, Belarus
  • Poklonsky Nikolai Aleksandrovich, BSU, Belarus
  • Shpilevsky Eduard Mikhailovich, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Shulga Yurii Makarovich, IPCP RAS, Russia
  • Shilagardi Golimensi, NUM, Mongolia
  • Saiko Alexander Petrovich, SPC for Materials Technology of NAS Belarus, Belarus

National organizing committee

  • Penyazkov Oleg Glebovich, HMTI NAS Belarus – Chairman
  • Bikbulatov Vitalii Yurievich, HMTI NAS Belarus
  • Dolgikh Mikhail Nikolaevich, HMTI NAS Belarus
  • Roshchina Svetlana Pavlovna, HMTI NAS Belarus
  • Filatov Serguei Aleksandrovich, HMTI NAS Belarus
  • Khudoley Andrei, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus
  • Gavrilenko Natalia, HMTI NAS Belarus, Belarus

Registration of participants

Materials in electronic form should be submitted by the e-mail: 
Registration form. Download

Conference program

The conference program includes review reports of key issues of fundamental and applied  research  in physics nanostructures in condensed matter and reports on the main topics of the conference.

Contacts with the organizing committee

15, P. Brovka Str., Minsk,
Belarus, 220072

City tel.: +375173102238, +375173259168
