Thermal-physical and elementary processes in homogeneous media, including chemically reacting media:
Kinetics, energy transfer, and combustion regimes in gaseous, liquid fuel and heterogeneous systems at high temperatures and pressures;
Kinetics of nucleation and particle growth at high-temperature pyrolysis and oxidation of hydrocarbons;
Vibrational and relaxation rotation processes;
Thermal-physical and elementary processes in inhomogeneous chemically reacting media:
Initiation, combustion limits and regimes in non-one-dimensional boundary conditions;
Initiation, limits, structure and mechanisms of detonation and deflagration in gases and heterogeneous systems;
Pulsating and high-frequency detonation and supersonic combustion chambers
Elementary and collisional processes in gases and plasma:
Thermal and non-equilibrium ionization in supersonic flows;
Development of methods of forming and modeling wall plasma layers for flow control and surface modification;
Energy exchange at thermolization of plasma counter flows and development of quasi-stationary plasma formations
Physics of shock waves;
Jet flows;
Cavitation phenomena
Optical and contact diagnostics of liquid, gas and plasma flows:
Interferometry and speckle interferometry of gas flows and plasma;
Talbot interferometry;
Shadow, track and PIV visualization of flows;
Photoemission spectroscopy;
Spectroscopy of fast processes;
Laser diagnostics
High-speed photography methods