Chizhik S.A., Wierzcholski K., Miszczak A. The theoretical description of friction force in bio-joints as function of cartilage roughness / Zagadnienia eksloatacji maszyn. 2006. V. 41, Z. 2(146). P. 29–40.
Chizhik S. A., Ghaemi H.M. A new concept of measuring the friction forces for cartilage and polymers with viscoelastic properties / Tribologia. Teoria i praktika. 2006. № 4. P. 37–48.
Miszczak A., Wierzcholski K., Chizhik S.A. The influence of roughness and geometracal structure of tissue surface on friction forces during the tissue cultivation in bioreactor / Tribologia. Teoria i praktika. 2006. № 4. P. 99–112.
Wierzcholski K., Chizhik S. A. Micro- and nano-level of bio-joint lubrication / Tribologia. Teoria i praktika. 2006. № 4. P. 167–180.
Balobanova N., Chizhik S., Rymuza Z. Adhesion and friction behaviour in the contact of rough viscoelastic surfaces/ Zagadnienia eksloatacji maszyn. 2006. V. 41, Z. 2(146). P. 7–18.
Karapetyan A.N., Hovhannisyan K.V., Chizhik S.A. Study of surface films at friction of self-lubricating polymer-based composite materials / Tribologia. Teoria i praktika. 2006. № 3. P. 77–85.
Pleskachevsky Y. M., Kovtun V.A., Semenova T.V., Minovski M. Strain State of Metal-Polymer Powder Materiel under compressive Loads during electrocontact Sintering / Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2006. V. 36, № 2. P. 19-30.
Chizhik S.A., Vo Thanh Tung, Chikunov V.V., Nguyen Tho Vuong, Tran Xuan Hoai. Interactions of quartz tuning fork of atomic force microscope operating under shear-force and taping modes / Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. Сб. докл. VII межд. семинара. Минск, 2006. С. 88-92.
Chizhik S.A., Vo Thanh Tung, Chikunov V.V., Nguyen Tho Vuong. Influence of additional mass on quartz tuning fork in dynamic operation mode / Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. Сб. докл. VII межд. семинара. Минск, 2006. С. 236-240.
Vityaz P.A., Zhornik V.I., Ivakhnik A.V. The Influence of the Additives of Nanodiamonds on Structure and Properties of Plastic Lubricants / Nanocarbon & Nanodiamonds 2006. Programme and Book of Abstracts. September 11 – 15, 2006. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kuznetsova T.G., Starodubtseva M.N., Chizhik S.A., Yegorenkov N.I. AFM study of erythrocyte cytoskeleton after treatment with peroxynitrite / Proceeding of the II International conference “Electronic and applied physics”. October, 11-14, 2006. Kyev, 2006. P. 96-97.
Starodubtseva M.N., Kuznetsova T.G., Ellory J.C., Kuznetsova T.A., Abetkovskaya S.O. Peroxynitrite induces red blood cell membrane reorganization // The FEBS Journal. 2006. V. 273, suppl. 1. P. 52.
Vo Than Tung, Chizhik S.A. Quartz tuning fork atomic force microscopy using quality-factor control // Сб. материалов конференции «Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures 2007». 2007.
Lapotko D.O., Lukianova-Hleb E.Y., Chizhik S.A. Methods for monitoring and imaging nanoparticles in cells // Proceedings of SPIE - Volume 6447; Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications IV, 644703 (10 pages).
Chizhik S.A., Rymuza Z., Chikunov V.V., Kuznetsova T.A., Jarzabek D. Micro- and nanoscale testing of tribomechanical properties of surfaces // Recent advances in mechatronics. 2007. P. 541–545.
Abetkovskaia S.O., Pozdnyakov A.P., Siroezkin S.V., Chizhik S.A. Computer simulation of dynamic atomic force microscopy // Recent advances in mechatronics. 2007. P. 551–555.
Vo Thanh Tung. Influence of Q-control on Shear-force Detection with Quartz Tuning Fork in Atomic Force Microscopy // Известия НАН Беларуси. 2007.
Kuznetsova T.G., Starodubtseva M.N., Yegorenkov N.I., Chizhik S.A., Zhdanov R.I. Atomic force microscopy probing of cell elasticity // Micron. 2007. V. 38. P. 824–833.
Starodubtseva M.N., Kuznetsova T.G., Chizhik S.A., Yegorenkov N.I. Atomic force microscopy observation of peroxynitrite-induced erythrocyte cytoskeleton reorganization // Micron. 2007. V. 38. P. 782–786.
Vo Thanh Tung, Chizhik S.A. Analysis of the spectroscopy using a shear-force quartz tunning fork based on atomic force microscopy // Материалы Первой международной научной конференции «Наноструктурные материалы – 2008: Беларусь – Россия – Украина». Минск, 22–25 апреля 2008 г. P. 681–682.
Vo Thanh Tung, Chizhik S.A., Nguyen Thi Hong. Dynamic tuning fork sensor in tapping-mode operation: analyzing spectroscopy aspects on polyethylene // P. 700-701.
Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A. Combined atomic force microscopy measurements as a method of erythrocyte investigation // New Approaches To High-Tech: Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulations. Proceeding of International Workshop NDTCS’2008, June 23-27, 2008, Minsk, Belarus. V. 12. P. 64-67.
Barkaline V., Chashynski A., Chizhik S., Babicheva V. Molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes and their contact interaction with substrate // New Approaches To High-Tech: Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulations. Proceeding of International Workshop NDTCS’2008, June 23-27, 2008, Minsk, Belarus. V. 12. P. 7-11.
Chizhik S., Vo Thanh Tung, Chikunov V., Tran Xuan Hoai. Tapping and shear-mode atomic force microscopy using a quartz tuning fork with high quality factor // 2008. V. 12. P. 97-102.
Salamianski A., Zhavnerko G., Agabekov V., Chizhik S., Lisovskaya G. Modelling of the process of superhydrophobic surface formation // New Approaches To High-Tech: Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulations. Proceeding of International Workshop NDTCS’2008, June 23-27, 2008, Minsk. 2008. V. 12. P. 219-222.
Vo Thanh Tung, Chizhik S.A., Chikunov V.V., Siroezkin S. V., Tran Xuan Hoai, Nguyen Thi Hong Introduction to a quartz tuning fork combined with scanning probe microscope // Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. VIII Международный семинар. Сб. докл. 8–10 октября 2008 г. Минск, 2008. С. 132–141.
Vo Thanh Tung Development of a tuning fork based atomic force microscopy (Fork-AFM) for imaging on erythrocytes // Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. VIII Международный семинар. Сб. докл. 8–10 октября 2008 г. Минск, 2008. С. 142–147.
Zhytkova M.A., Rymuza Z., Chizhik S.A., Ocypa L. Possible causes of young modulus spring near-surface of the thin polymer films // Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. VIII Международный семинар. Сб. докл. 8–10 октября 2008 г. Минск, 2008. С. 194–197.
Chizhik S., Wierzcholski Krz., Trushko A., Miszczak A. Theoretical study of low friction forces in joint cartilage // Tribologia. Teoria i praktyka. 2008. № 2(218). P. 99–106.
Chizhik S., Wierzcholski Krz., Trushko A., Miszczak A. The measurement of low friction forces in joint cartilage by the oscillating micro-tribometer // Tribologia. Teoria i praktyka. 2008. № 2(218). P. 91–97.
Ivakin E.V., Karelin M.U., Sukhadolau A.V., Out-of-plane thermal diffusivity measurement of transparent thin film by the acoustic grating excitation // J. Appl. Phys. 2009. V. 105, № 1. Р. 113107.
Lisovskaya G.B., Chizhik S.A., Salamianski A.E., Agabekov V.E., and Zhavnerko G.K. Modeling of the process of superhydrophobic surface formation // Proc. SPIE. 2009. V. 7377, Р. 73770L.
Zaitsev A.L., Savitsky A. Interaction of hydrogen plasma with polycrystalline aluminium metal foils. // VI Int. Conf.Plasma Physics and Plasma Tech. Minsk, 28 Sept-2 Oct. 2009. Р. 390-393.
Zhuang Yan, Chizhik S.A., Zaitsev A.L. Atomic-force microscopy of carbon-based nanostructured coatings // Приборостроение-2009. Материалы 2-й Международной научно-технической конференции. Минск, 11–13 ноября 2009 г. С. 34–35.
E.S. Drozd, S.A. Chizhik. Combined atomic force microscopy and optical microscopy measurements as a method of erythrocyte investigation // Proceedings of SPIE. 2009. V. 73770E. Р. 7377-13.
Zhytkova M.A., Chizhik S.A. Tribology of cartilage implants // Abstract from International Colloquium Micro-Tribology, Milówka, Poland. P. 14-15.
Shamova E.V., Bichan O.D., Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A., Shumaev K.B. Study of mechanical surface properties of platelets, disaggregated by donors of nitric oxide / 6-th National Scientific Practical Conference with International Participation “Reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, antioxidants and human health”, Smolensk, Smolenskoblgaz, 2009. С. 178-179.
Abetkovskaia S., Chizhik S. Dynamic force spectroscopy for characterization of material properties on nanoscale // Nanostructures: Physics and Technology: Abst. of Proc. of 17th Int. Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”. Minsk, 2009. P. 188–189.
Chizhik S.A., Khudoley A.L. and Kuznetsova T.A. The behavior of different types of materials under AFM overload regime // Nanostructures: Physics and Technology: Abst. of Proc. of 17th Int. Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”. Minsk, 2009. P. 140–141.
Nguyen Hoang Yen, Lisovckaya G.B., Vo Thanh Tung. Investigation the influence of the temperature on the structure and the physical-mechanical properties of the thin film polivinilpiridina // ПОЛИКОМТРИБ-2009: Тезисы докладов международной научно-технической конференции. Гомель, 2009. P. 11.
Vo Thanh Tung, Nguyen Thi Hong, Tran Xuan Hoai. Estimating the local dynamic force spectroscopy in shear-force mode using a quartz tunning fork sensor based on atomic force microscopy // ПОЛИКОМТРИБ-2009: Тезисы докладов международной научно-технической конференции. Гомель, 2009. P. 13–14.
Karelin M.U. Karhunen-Loeve Analysis of Spatiotemporal Phenomena (Including Flame Patterns) // The Third International Workshop “Nonequilibrium Processes in Combustion and Plasma Based Technologies”, Minsk, Belarus, August 23-28, 2008.
Karelin M.U. Principles of singular value decomposition for resolution enhancement in near-field optics. // PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATION OF NANOSTRUCTURES. Reviews and Short Notes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomeeting 2009. Minsk, Belarus, 26–29 May 2009. Singapore, World Scientific, 2009. P. 56-59.
Vo Thanh Tung, Chizhik S.A. et al. // Tapping and shear-mode atomic force microscopy using a quartz tuning fork with high quality factor. Proc. SPIE. 2008. V. 7377. Р. 737702.
Lapotko D.O., Lukianova E.Y., Chizhik S.A. Methods for monitoring and imaging nanoparticles in cells // Proc. SPIE. 2007. V. 6447. Р. 644703.
Barkaline V.V., Chashynski A.S., Chizhik S.A. Molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes and their contact interaction with substrate // Proc. SPIE. V. 7377.
Shamova E.V., Gorudko I.V., Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A., Martinovich G.G., Cherenkevich S.N, Timoshenko A.V. Redox regulation of morphology, cell stiffness, and lectin-induced aggregation of human platelets // Eur Biophys J. 2010. Vol. 39. DOI 10.1007/s00249-010-0639-2.
Starodubtseva M., Chizhik S., Yegorenkov N., Nikitina I., Drozd E. Study of the mechanical properties of single cells as biocomposites by atomic force microscopy // Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education. 2010.
Zaitsev A.L., Savitsky A.A. Interaction of low-energy hydrogen plasma with polycrystalline aluminium // ACTA TECHNICA. 2011. №. 1.
Khudoley A., Alyamani A., Kuznetsova T., Chizhik S., Chikunov V., Alshetwee Y., Al-Owairdhi M. Morphology of Al-doped ZnO nanocrystalline thin films obtained by the pulsed laser deposition methodsing different gases // Материалы. Технологии. Инструменты. Т.15, № 2. 2010. С. 33-38.
Jarzabek D., Chikunov V.V., Rymuza Z., Chizhik S.A. Oscillating AFM module and its use to decrease adhesion at interface tip-polymeric film // Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. Сб. докл. IX Междунар. конф., Минск, 12–15 октября 2010 г. 2010. С. 141–144.
Chizhik S., Khudoley A., Kuznetsova T., Wierzcholski K., Miszczak A. Micro- and nanoscale wear studies of HDD slide bearings by atomic force microscopy // Методологические аспекты сканирующей зондовой микроскопии. Сб. докл. IX Междунар. конф., Минск, 12–15 октября 2010 г. 2010. С. 247–252.
Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A., Bichan O.D., Shamova E.V. AFM investigations of structural features and mechanical properties of intact and disaggregated platelets // NanoMeasure 2010 : scientific symposium, Krakow, 3–4 June 2010. 2010. P. 32.
Shamova E.V., Gorudko I.V., Drozd E.S., Martinovich G.G., Cherenkevich S.N. Glutathione-mediated changes in mechanical properties and lectin-induced aggregation of platelets // The FEBS Journal. 2010. V. 277 (1). P. 299-300.
Savitsky A.A., Zaitsev A.L. Interaction of low-energy hydrogen plasma with polycrystalline aluminium // 24 th Symp. on Plasma Phys. and Tech. Praha, June 14-17, 2010. P. 110.
Melnikova G.B., Bildyukevich A.V., Chizhik S.A. Atomic force microscope for the surface structure of capillary polysulfone membranes researching / Киев. 2010.
Melnikova G.B., Zhavnerko G.K., Chizhik S.A. Polymeric Langmuir-Blodgett membranes onto porous matrix: the morphology and properties // Тезисы докладов Международной конференции «Permea 2010», 4-8 September, 2010 г. 2010. С. 110
Karelin M. Quantum superresolution for near-field imaging // Proceedings of XIII International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. May 28-June 1, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2010. Р. 37.
Karelin M. Approach to the near-field image restoration using eigenfunction expansion (computational lens) // Сб. тезисов Международной конференции NANO2010. С.-Петербург, июль 2010 г.
Karelin N.V., Kovalenko A.V., Kurashov V.N., Matievosova O.G. Radiation losses in planar dielectric waveguide with rough interface between dielectric layers // VI International Conference «Электроника и прикладная физика», 20-23 октября 2010, Киев. 2010.
Zaitsev A.L., Pleskachevsky Yu. M. The structures of surface substancies and adsorption energy at the interaction of hydrogen with surfaces of the iron-group metals // XIVth Int. Conf. Surf. Forces, Moscow. June 21-27, 2010. Post. 23.
Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A. Combination of optical and probe microscopy for biological cells manipulation // Optical Techniques and Nano-Tools for Material and Life Sciences (ONT4MLS-2010) : International Conference, Minsk, 15–19 June 2010. 2010. P. 35–36.
Artemiev V.M., Naumov А.О., Kohan L.L., Chizhik S.A., Drozd Е.S., Dromashko F.E., Kvitko O.V., Sheiko Ya.I., Koneva I.I. Computer analysis of geometrical and movement parameters of biological cells by their microscopic imagery // Optical Techniques and Nano-Tools for Material and Life Sciences (ONT4MLS-2010) : International Conference, Minsk, 15–19 June 2010. 2010. P. 41–42.
Chernyakova Yu., Pinchuk L.S., Lobanovskii L.S., Drozd E.S., Chizik S.A. Structure and Magnetic Susceptibility of Lubricating Fluids in Synovial Joints // J. of Friction and Wear. 2011. V. 32, № 1. Р. 54–60.
Shamova E.V., Gorudko I.V., Drozd E.S., Chizhik S.A., Martinovich G.G., Cherenkevich S.N., Timoshenko A.V. Redox regulation of morphology, cell stiffness, and lectin-induced aggregation of human platelets // Eur. Biophys. J. 2011. V. 40, № 2. P. 195–208.
Drozd L., Konstantinova E., Buko I. Evaluation of the elastic properties by atomic force microscopy of erythrocytes and lipid peroxidation in patients with type 2 diabets mellitus // XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis: 57th Annu. SSC Meeting (ISTH-2011) [Electronic resource]: Intern. Conf., Kyoto, Japan, June 23-28, 2011 / Intern. Soc. on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. – Electronic data and program (74,3 Mb). Kyoto, 2011. V. 9, suppl. 2. 1 electronic optical disk (CD-ROM).
Bichan V.D. , Shamova E.V., Drozd E.S., Gorudko I.V., Chizhik S.A., Shumaev K.B., Cherenkevich S.N., Vanin A.F. Regulation of platelet functional and mechanical properties by nitric oxide donors // XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis: 57th Annu. SSC Meeting (ISTH-2011) [Electronic resource]: Intern. Conf., Kyoto, Japan, June 23-28, 2011 / Intern. Soc. on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. – Electronic data and program (74,3 Mb). – Kyoto, 2011. V. 9, suppl. 2. 1 electronic optical disk (CD-ROM).
Chizhik S.A. Nanomechanical and nanodiagnostics methods based on scanning probe microscopy // International Conference «Modern applications of nanotechnologies». Abstracts. Minsk, 27-29 June 2012 г. 2012. 1 с.
Zhavnerko G.K., Paribok I.V., Agabekov V.E., Kurylionak N.A., Chikunov V.V., Chizhik S.A. Formation of membrane layers by Roll-to-roll technology // International Conference «Modern applications of nanotechnologies». Abstracts. Minsk, 27-29 June 2012 г. 2012. 1 с.
Abetkovskaia S.O., Chizhik S.A., Chikunov V.V. Creating metallic nanostructures using galvanic, membrane and capillary methods // International Conference «Modern applications of nanotechnologies». Abstracts. Minsk, 27-29 June 2012 г. 2012.
Kudina E.F. Modification of Alkali Silicate Solutions by Organic Reagents and Investigation of the Properties of the Final Products. Glass Physics and Chemistry Vol. 35 No. 4 2009, с. 436-442
Vasilkov A. Yu., Nikitin L.N., Naumkin A.V., Volkov I.O., Buzin M.I., Abramchuk S.S., Bubnov Yu.N., Tolstopyatov E.M., Grakovich P.N. Gold- and Silver-Containing Fibroporous Polytetrafluoroethylene Obtained under Laser Irradiation, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Treatment, and MetalVapor Synthesis. Nanotechnologies in Russia, Vol. 4, Nos. 11-12 2009, с. 834-840
Organized and hosted by IX International Conference "Methodological aspects of scanning probe microscopy", Minsk, Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. AV National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 12-15 October 2010 Articles published in proceedings of the conference.
Organized the VIII International Seminar "Methodological Aspects of scanning probe microscopy", Minsk, Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. AV National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 8-10 October 2008 Articles published in proceedings of the workshop.
Organized the 7th International Workshop 'Methodological aspects of scanning probe microscopy "BySPM-2006, Minsk, Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. AV National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 1-3 November 2006. Materials published in the proceedings of the seminar.