Energy Efficiency and System Analysis Lab
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- Thermophysical and elementary processes in chemically reacting systems
- Elementary and collisional processes in plasma
- Physics of shock waves, combustion, explosion and detonation, high-temperature gas dynamics
- Optical and contact diagnostics of liquid or gas flows
- Heat transfer and aerodynamics of bluff-bodies (vehicles, high-rise buildings and constructions)
- Turbulent diffusion combustion, turbulent micromixing, development of methods of heat transfer enhancement in heat exchange devices
- Generation of volume-uniform gas discharges and their application for surface modification, combustion stimulation, growth of nano-structured materials, as well as for energy supply of lasers and powerful electromagnetic radiation sources, etc.
- Mesoscopic, thermal and transport processes in complex magnetic particle systems (including biological ones)
- Catalytic systems on the basis of metals and metal-oxides porous materials.