The Laboratory of Distributed Information Systems was organized in 2011. It is the successor to the Laboratory of Automation and Computing that existed in the Institute structure from 1973 to 2004.
Main Areas of Work
- creating automated distributed information systems for power engineering enterprises, educational institutions, scientific organizations, organizations of state management;
- developing distributed data integration systems in corporative information systems for electric power engineering;
- developing heterogeneous structured and poorly structured data for corporative systems;
- developing new technologies of protection of distributed information in linear highly productive computational systems and computer networks;
- creating the information system of the Institute with the use of modern information technologies in research investigations;
- creating highly productive computational systems;
The staff of the Laboratory of Automation and Computing created:
- Node of the research network EARN BitNet (1993)
- Scientific network of the group of the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences and Higher Education Institutes – (1996-2004)
- Internet network node and IP-network of Institutes (1995)
- Basic network infrastructure of the corporative network of the State Production Association “Belenergo” that linked the networks of regional enterprises of power engineering and the network of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “ОDU" into a single corporative network (1997)
- Operational and information complex of the automated supervisor control of the Belarusian power system that solves the tasks of organizing the access of all-rank users to different databases of the State Production Association “Belenergo” based on Web-technologies (1998)
At present, the staff of the Laboratory of Distributed Information Systems is fulfilling the tasks No 5 “To develop the system of integrating distributed data of enterprises of the electric power engineering sector using the technologies Semantic Web” State Scientific and Technical Program "Power Engineering-2015”.