The author who presents a paper for publication thus adopts the requirements and terms formulated below:
1. The papers submitted to the Journal in English or Russian are subjected to scientific revision.
2. The subjects of the Journal: thermophysics, heat and mass transfer, theory of heat conduction, thermodynamics of irreversible processes, theory of drying, building thermophysics, hydrogen energetics, structural-mechanical characteristics of disperse systems, formation of carbon nanostructures, rheodynamics, rheology, low-temperature plasma.
3. The paper should be submitted by email. The length of the paper should normally not exceed 15 typed pages.
4. The material should be presented in the following order: a) the UDC (universal decimal classification) number; b) the initials and names of the authors; c) the title of the paper; d) the abstract (not exceeding 10 lines) which should be most informative, giving a clear indication of the nature and range of the results contained in the paper, and should not duplicate Conclusions; e) keywords (no more than 10); f) the body of the text; g) the complete list of symbols (in an alphabetical order) with dimensions and sub- and superscripts with explanation of their origin; h) references; i) tables; j) captions to figures with all dimensions indicated; k) figures.
5. Both figures and photographs should be presented in an electronic form as individual files in one of graphic formats. Figures should have clear lines, figures, and symbols and photographs should be contrast. Printing of color figures is left to the Editorial Office’s discretion.
6. In equations Greek letters, mathematical and chemical symbols as well as sub- and superscripts which are abbreviations of words are given in Roman type. The Latin letters which signify variables and physical quantities (including sub- and superscripts) are given in italic. Vectors are Roman bold (without arrows at the top).
7. References to cited literature should be grouped in numerical order of appearance. References to articles should include the following: the initials and names of all authors, the title of the article, the title of the journal or proceedings, the volume, number, inclusive page numbers of the article, and the year of publication, for example, A. J. Reynolds, The prediction of turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers, Int J. Heat Mass Transfer, 18, No. 6, 1055–1069 (1975). In the references to books the following should be included: the initials and names of all authors, the title, publishing house, place and year of publication, for example, G. K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1967). References to unpublished works are not allowed.
8. The authors are requested to give the following information: the first name, second name and patronymic, affiliation, exact mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
9. The authors are informed of the fact of registration, acceptance or rejection of the paper by email. Before publication, the proofs of the paper are sent to the author. In correspondence the indication of the paper registration number is obligatory.
10. The date of the paper receipt is that at which an original paper is received.
11. If the level of English language used in the article is inadequate in the opinion of the reviewer and/or editorial board., the article may be returned to the author and the latter referred to the editorial services of Edanz.
12. The request of the Editorial office to revise the paper does not mean that the paper is accepted for publication since it will again be subjected to reviewing and considered by the Editorial Board. If the paper is not accepted for publication, the Editorial office informs the author of the rejected paper on the referees’ comments and the official decision of the Editorial Board. The author of the rejected paper has the right to ask the Editorial Board to reconsider the possibility of publication of the paper.
13. The author transfers to the Editorial office of the Journal the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the paper as periodicals and in Internet and to subsequently publish it in the Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics.
14. Address: https://www.itmo.by/en/publications/jepter/contact/
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