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Since 1996, the conference had the title “Belorussian Seminar on Scanning Probe Microscopy” (BySPM). From 2006, it was renamed to “Methodological Aspects of Scanning Probe Microscopy.” In 2010, it was decided to elevate the meeting status to "conference". The aim of BySPM is to provide place for discussion of recent achievements in SPM methods, and their use for scientific and applied tasks.»

The conference is dedicated to the memory of Kuznetsova Tatyana.


National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
V.A.Bely Metal-Polymer Research Institute of NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Belarus
Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, Minsk, Belarus


Chizhik S.A., Chair, Academician of NAS of Belarus, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, Belarus
Penyazkov O.G., Co-Chair, Academician of NAS of Belarus, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, Belarus 
Shcherbakov S.S., Co-Chair, Doctor of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of NAS of Belarus, Belarus
Rogachev A. A., Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, Institute for Chemistry of New Materials of NAS of Belarus, Belarus
Pilipenko V.A., Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, «INTEGRAL» JSC, Belarus
Grigoriev А.Ya., Doctor of Sciences, V.A.Bely Metal-Polymer Research Institute of NAS of Belarus, Belarus
Mironov V. L., Doctor of Sciences, Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Russia
Tolstikhina A.L., Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Crystallography RAS, Russia
Sukhanova T.E., Doctor of Sciences, S.V. Lebedev Institute of Synthetic Rubber, Russia
Aizikovich S.M., Doctor of Sciences, Don State Technical University, Russia
Guangbin Yu, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Makarevich V.B., PhD, Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, Belarus
Suslov A. A., PhD, "Microtestmachines" Corp., Gomel, Belarus.


A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus
P. Brovki st.,15, Minsk, 220072, Belarus
Phone.: + 375 17 356 10 60
Fax: + 375 17 292 25 13

Contact person:
Vasilina Lapitskaya - Secretary of the Conference


1. Physics and mechanics of micro- and nanostructures.
2. Characteristics of nanostructural materials.
3. Coatings, films, modified layers and tribosurfaces
4. Research of biological cells and tissues. Application of the SPM methods in chemistry and medicine.
5. Creation of new devices, methods and models using SPM data.

The conference program will include plenary lectures (40 min), section reports (15 min) and electronic poster presentation* (5 min). There is a possibility to publish the contributed paper without attending the conference. The official languages of the conference are Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation is not available. Slide presentations and posters should be in English.
*An electronic poster should be presented in the form of a multimedia presentation with 3 slides, including a slide with the title of the report


until April 1, 2025 – An application for the participation in the Conference
until May 1, 2025 – Provision of the full text of the report, drawn up according to the requirements of the organizing committee
until June 1, 2025 – Payment of organizational fee as the ‘publication-only’ fee (without attending the conference)
until August 15, 2025 – Payment of conference fee


To register your participation, please fill the attached form and send it to e-mail: .

Registration form. Download


Provided reports will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be given to the participants after the registration. The text of the report should be send to the Organizing Committee e-mail  no later than May 1, 2025 (the number of the conference topical section must be required).
The preferred paper length is about 4-5 A4 pages introduced in .doc or .docx format. The text of the report should be typed in accordance with the attached rules and template.
Download example *docx

Publications in journals

Selected reports, formatted according to templates as 6-7 page articles, will be published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Republic of Belarus.
More details about publication, formatting rules and deadlines are in the second information notice.


Type of contributions For citizens of the Republic of Belarus (BYN) For citizens of other countries
In-person participation 250.00 650.00 BYN
17000.00 RUB
170.00 USD
In-person participation (for students, masters, postgraduates)1 130.00 300.00 BYN
8500.00 RUB
85.00 USD
Participation in absentia2 90.00 150.00 BYN
4500.00 RUB
45.00 USD
The fee can be paid by the bank transfer (please contact the Organizing Committee for the payment details). The fee includes the preparation of the conference proceedings publication, part of organization costs and banquet.
1 – upon presentation of a certificate from the place of study confirming their status.
2 – publication of materials in the conference proceedings (with receipt of an electronic version of the proceedings).
Representatives of companies producing equipment and wishing to advertise, please contact the Secretary of the Conference Vasilina Lapitskaya.
For questions of registration fee payment, please contact by e-mail: .
Responsible persons:
Anastasiya Khabarava and Tatiana Tolstaya.


Organizing Committee members are not booking of the hotels. The Organizing Committee proposes to choose one of the following hotels for those who wants to book the accommodation in Minsk by themselves:
Participants who want to live in the hotel near the place of the conference can book one of the following places by themselves:
- the hotel “Akademicheskaya” (Surganova st., 7),
- the hotel “40 Years of Victory” (Аzgura st, 3),