Volume 73,   №4

An Axisymmetric Explosure Accelerator with a Conical Recess Filled with Powder

The results of a series of experiments on superdeep penetration of copper-powder particles into a steel target are presented. The main parameters of the process and its efficiency are determined on the basis of statistical processing of the data on sequential breakdown of foil layers that are placed in the target perpendicular to the direction of motion of the penetrating particles
The results of a series of experiments on superdeep penetration of copper-powder particles into a steel target are presented. The main parameters of the process and its efficiency are determined on the basis of statistical processing of the data on sequential breakdown of foil layers that are placed in the target perpendicular to the direction of motion of the penetrating particles

Author:  O. V. Roman, S. K. Andilevko, O. A. Dybov
Page:  33

O. V. Roman, S. K. Andilevko, O. A. Dybov.  An Axisymmetric Explosure Accelerator with a Conical Recess Filled with Powder //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 73, №4. P. 33.

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