Field of application
Plasma metallurgy (melting, alloying, production of refractory powders); engineering industry (welding deposition and spraying, particle spheroidizing, modification of the surface of parts); plasma chemistry (production of nitride, oxide, etc. ultra-dispersed powders, production of pigments, ultra-and superfine-grained mineral fibers, disposal of toxic and vitrification of radioactive waste); scientific investigations (high-enthalpy homogeneous and heterogeneous flows of various gases).
Specific Characteristic
Diameter of machined parts – from 10-200 mm up to 1000 mm. Rms precision of a produced surface shape – from ?/100 (?=0.542 μm). Rms roughness of surface within – 0.2-1.0 nm.
Intellectual Property
Patents BY, RU,USCA. Design documentation. Process technical documentation. Software programs. Polisher specifications. Specific know-how. Equipment prototypes.
Prospective Nature of Investment Project
1. Organizing the enterprise for service of orders of relevant organizations for polishing of home-made optical parts. 2. Making one-off devices under contracts with the customer. 3. Enterprises for production of machines and machine components of magnetopolishing equipment.