ТОМ 73,   №6

An Approximate Method to Calculate the Heat Transfer Coefficient in Metallic Bars

A least squares method is used to determine the heat transfer coefficient, H, of a solid copper bar in air at constant temperature. For this purpose, twelve steady states and their corresponding cooling curves were measured with temperature excesses of the metal over the surrounding air in the range of 11-74oC, and compared to those calculated using a mathematical model to solve the equation for the heat flow in the bar. The model reduces an experimental double exponential law to an overall single exponential and gives similar behavior, within 10% of statistical uncertainty, for H in the steady state and cooling. The values obtained in this study are in qualitative agreement with the values given in the literature, under similar experimental conditions, but where it is never specified how they are obtained in solids.

Автор:  Cancillo M. L., Morales J. J., Gallego M. C., Vaquero J. M., Garcia J. A., Serrano A., Mateos V. L.
Стр:  1364-1373

Cancillo M. L., Morales J. J., Gallego M. C., Vaquero J. M., Garcia J. A., Serrano A., Mateos V. L..  An Approximate Method to Calculate the Heat Transfer Coefficient in Metallic Bars  // Инженерно-физический журнал. 2000. ТОМ 73, №6. С. 1364-1373.

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