ТОМ 95,   №2

Аnalysis of thermal performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of a straight porous fin with variable thermal conductivity

Radiating extended surfaces are generally used to reinforce heat transfer between a primary surface and its environment. Specifically, if great temperature contrasts are taken into account, variable thermal conductivity materially affects the performance of the system. Thus the present numerical study is concerned with the thermal performance of a straight porous fin under the influence of temperature dependent thermal conductivity, magnetic field, and radiation. The heat transfer model, which includes the Darcy law for simulating flow with solid–fluid interactions in a porous medium, the Rosseland approximation for heat transfer through radiation, the Maxwell equations for the magnetic field effect, and linearly varying temperature dependent thermal conductivity, results in a highly nonlinear ordinary differential equation solved with using the finite-difference scheme with suitable boundary conditions. The obtained solutions are interpreted physically by considering the impact of relevant nondimensional parameters on the thermal performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the system. It follows from the analysis that the temperature dependent thermal conductivity improves these characteristics.
Автор:  Babitha, Madhura K. R.
Ключевые слова:  straight porous fin, temperature dependent thermal conductivity, magnetic field, finite-difference method, Rosseland approximation
Стр:  399

Babitha, Madhura K. R..  Аnalysis of thermal performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of a straight porous fin with variable thermal conductivity // Инженерно-физический журнал. . ТОМ 95, №2. С. 399.

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