Yu. G. Korobeinikov,a A. V. Fedorov,a E. A. Buluchevskii,b and A. V. Lavrenovb UDC 532.72;669.015.23 The processes of moisture desorption by a sorbent-drier of the type of "salt in a porous matrix" and sawdust in convective flow, as well as under the acoustoconvective action, have been investigated. It has been shown that at a flow velocity of 31 m/s the sorbent has a rather prolonged drying stage with a constant rate, and at a flow velocity of 13 m/s this drying stage ends faster. It has been esta- blished that the velocity of the convective flow strongly influences the drying process of the sorbent, and the action of the acoustic field therewith produced no marked effect on the drying process. Moisture desorption from sawdust proceeds with a variable rate, and its intensity markedly increases under the action of the acoustic field. The influence of acoustic vibrations on the rate of moisture removal has a nonmonotonic character. The kinetics of the process of humidification of the sorbent-drier has been investigated. On the basis of the investigations made, a basic circuit for ventilating closed rooms by dried air with the use of sawdust or an IK-011-1 sorbent-drier has been proposed. Keywords: acoustoconvective drying, sorbent, sawdust, Hartmann oscillator. aS. A. Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4/1 Institutskaya Str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia; email: Fedorov@itam.nsc.ru; bInstitute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 252-257, March-April, 2009. Original article submitted May 14, 2008.