J. G. Dueck UDC 539.6,539.217 The known nonmonotonic dependence of a bidisperse mixture porosity on the portion of the small fraction at arbitrary diameter ratios between small and large particles has been modeled. The expressions for the mixture porosity obtained in the course of modeling have been compared to the experimental data. With the use of the derived expressions for the mixture porosity, the hydraulic resistance of a layer from a bidisperse material has been calculated. It has been shown that in accordance with the experiment at a small ratio between the sizes of small and large particles the dependence of the hydraulic resistance of a bidisperse layer on the portion of the small fraction has a maximum which is higher than the resistance in the absence of large particles. The agreement between theory and experiment is quite satisfactory. Erlangen-Nuremberg University (Germany); email: Johann.Dueck@uvt.uni-erlangen.de. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp. 25-34, July-August, 2007. Original article submitted January 19, 2006.