G. V. Gembarzhevskii UDC 536.246:621.373.8 A renormalization technique of thermal design of the heat exchanger is proposed to solve the problems of designing and optimizing the gas-liquid coolant heat-exchange apparatus. In this design, the leading process is the heat transfer in the gas, and renormalization of the heat exchanger efficiency is carried out with the aim of taking into account the influence of the thermal processes in the liquid and the heat conduction of the coolant boundary. For the Nusselt criterion, the one-parameter approximation (not counting the dependences on the Prandtl number) was used. The proposed technique is economical in design, admits application of different goal functions in the optimization, and permits setting limits on the domain of variability of parameters. The efficiency of the proposed technique has been demonstrated for the problem of optimization of parameters of a ribbed-pipe heat exchanger for the facility used in investigating the interaction of a high-speed gas flow with the discharge. Institute of Problems of Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 101-1 Vernadskii Ave., Moscow 119526; email: Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 3-15, May-June, 2007. Original article submitted July 19, 2005; revision submitted February 27, 2006.