A. Evtushenkoa and Yu. Tolstoi-Senkevichb UDC 539.377 We propose a computational scheme for calculating the temperature and the heat flow sharing coefficient at indentation of the end of a thin pin into the lateral surface of a rapidly rotating ring. It is supposed that on free lateral and end surfaces of the ring, as well as on the lateral surface of the pin, heat exchange by the Newton law occurs. The two-dimensional mixed quasi-stationary heat conduction problem for the ring has been solved by means of the finite integral Fourier transform. Formulas for calculating the temperature on the ring surface have been derived, and from the condition of equality of the average temperatures in the friction zone of the ring and the pin, the heat flow sharing coefficient has been determined. The influence of the ring thickness and its inner surface cooling on the maximum temperature has been investigated. aBialystok Polytechnic Institute, Poland; bYa. S. Podstrigach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Nauchnaya Str., L'vov, 79061. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 128-135, January-February, 2007. Original article submitted January 25, 2005; revision submitted June 8, 2005.