S. A. Gubarev, A. A. Makhanek, and Z. P. Shul'man UDC 536.24 + 532.135]:577.344.3 We have constructed a physico-mathematical model of photodynamic therapy of skin tumors taking into account the photochemical reactions and the features of the radiation propagation, the heat and mass transfer, and the mass transfer of oxygen in the irradiation zone. The numerical solution has shown that depending on the light intensity and the degree of injury of exchange vessels the concentration of oxygen in a tumor can decrease to below the hypoxic limit, which limits the photodynamic effect. We have analyzed different methods of conducting this therapy, thus increasing its success - changing the radiation intensity and hyperoxygenation. A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 15 P. Brovka Str., Minsk, 220072, Belarus. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 76-82, January-February, 2007. Original article submitted October 10, 2006.