S. A. Gubarev, A. A. Makhanek, and Z. P. Shul'man UDC 536.24:675.014 The problem of diffusion transfer of oxygen from an individual capillary into the surrounding skin with regard for the inhomogeneity of the blood composition in the vessel (plasma and erythrocytes) has been solved. The approximate dependence of the average concentration of oxygen in the tissue cylinder on its radius (density of active capillaries) and the circulation rate has been obtained. The model has been generalized to the macromolecule of a biotissue segment with a multitude of exchange vessels, and the dependence of the average concentration of oxygen in the biotissue bulk on the blood flow intensity (perfusion) has been obtained. A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 15 P. Brovka Str., Minsk, 220072, Belarus. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 70-75, January-February, 2007. Original article submitted October 10, 2006.