O. V. Roman,a V. T. Shmuradko,b and G. D. Tarasovb UDC 621.762 A technique for constructing the curves of dynamic compressibility of powder media from the results of an experiment on a plant of hydraulic explosive pressing is suggested which makes it possible to construct a certain portion of the compressibility curve with the aid of one experimental shot for any powder material in the pressure-density coordinates to the total exclusion of the apparatus that could register the dynamic parameters of the process of pressing. The technique is used for predicting the results of pressing concrete articles from powder materials, in particular, to determine the parameters of a charge and the coordinates of its disposition in a transmitting liquid medium to obtain a blank with prescribed properties. a Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus; b Scientific-Research Institute of Pulse Processes with Pilot-Scale Production, 12B Platonov Str., Minsk, 220005, Belarus; email: Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 179-185, July-August, 2006. Original article submitted June 2, 2006.