É. I. Smolyar UDC 532.5.546 Consideration is given to a model of turbulent flow in a roughness layer; the model is formed by the equations for turbulent momentum and turbulence-energy density and by free boundary conditions at self-establishing boundaries of the turbulent zone in the entire layer and in roughness cells. The model describes the interactions of the flow with the elements of roughness and the processes in the cells of different scales. Certain calculated characteristics of turbulence in vegetation are given. Agrophysical Research Institute, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 14 Grazhdanskii Ave., St. Petersburg, 194220, Russia. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 78, No. 4, pp. 143-151, July-August, 2005. Original article submitted January 17, 2004; revision submitted July 7, 2004.