K. O. Sabdenov UDC 536.46 The problem of the diffusion-thermal instability of a laminar flame with a nonzero thickness of the chemical-reaction zone is solved. Two scenarios of the behavior of the process of burning in the presence of small perturbations with constant and variable velocities of motion of the flame are considered. The latter, in particular, leads to a Markstein formula relating the velocity of motion of the burning front to the curvature of this front and virtually to the absolute instability of burning. In the case of a constant velocity of the flame and the Lewis number Le >> 1, only the aperiodic loss of stability is implemented, whereas in the case of Le << 1 only the periodic loss is implemented. Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia; email: sabdenov@ftf.tsu.ru. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. 73-79, July-August, 2002. Original article submitted June 15, 2001. JEPTER7492020028 JEPTER749208